Quickening in Community by Kristen
My experience in community here at La Casa de Milagros has been one of deepening purpose and expansion. Upon my arrival, I felt a profound sense of home. I felt that I was finally in an environment where true transformation could take place. And has taken place! Old beliefs have been washed away in the torrents of the Mexican rain, and laughter has bubbled up without a logical reason. I have played in the garden (of Eden) like a child, and accepted the call to express that which has weighed heavy on the heart. I have felt the “rightness” of being radically honest, the peace of...
Read MoreThe Light Has Come
On Sunday Michael guided us through a beautiful dedication to Love, innocence and the delights of child-like wonder and play. Earlier in the morning some of the community revealed some flatness and lack of inspiration. These thoughts were freely exposed and offered into the fires of transformation. Accompanied by a beautiful willingness to see things differently, we all walked to the local park and joined together in the spirit of True forgiveness. As you will experience in the video below, a gentle and relaxed Spirit poured through Michael and we joined together in an expanding embrace of...
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